

Funny Story

Eli was sitting on my lap today while I was on the computer. I was logging on to my email and noticed Eli was saying "papaw". I said, "No buddy, papaw is bye-bye."

As usual, he was emphatic about "papaw". I looked up at the computer screen and chuckled when I saw who he was calling "papaw". Dad, you are truly a star in the eyes of my son!
Even as I am posting..."hi papaw!"


Team Horn Pics

Things Mom & Dad do when they are bored :)


Not Impressed?
Check this out!!!

Abs of steel!!!

The next day Eli got in on the action.

Nana and her boy

Kami as Indiana Jones and
Austin as a Zombie Football Player

Blog Time, Long Over Due

Blog Time, Long Over Due
I know I have been a big blog slacker, but seriously…we are busy. Between the boys, Kam’s schooling and my entrepreneuring, who has time?! John has been patient, wonderful and supportive through it all. I couldn’t ask for a better husband.
In case you haven’t heard, or kept up with the blog, Noah is enormous! He is rolling, raspberry-ing, smiling, cooing and laughing. We love our Rolly Polly Nolly! Currently, we are working on cereal, although I think he doesn’t like it much. We are thinking about squash for Turkey Day!
Length – 26 ¾” (95%)
Weight – 17lbs 9oz (95%)
Head – (90%)
Elijah is amazing. I can’t believe he is 16 months! He has blown past the developmental skills for toddlers his age and impressed the doctor. He is talking and signing like crazy (real and gibberish). He is going to need tubes and we are scheduling his procedure tomorrow.
Length – 32 ¾” (75%)
Weight – 22lbs 4oz (15%)
Head – (95%)…I wonder if these were Elmer Fudd’s Stats…
Congrats to the Kessler and Ledbetter families on their newest additions! Abigail and Preston are adorable! Also, congrats to Aunt Lisa and Jeff!

We are very excited to hear that little princess Danielle Mae is healthy! We can't wait to meet her!

Stay tuned...more videos to come!




I sat here today, in the midst of chaos, and paused to look at my baby girl. Much to my dismay, her baby-ness is gone. I looked at Noah and tried to remember Kameron at that age. Her face, her smells, her sounds, have all but vanished, replaced instead with a young lady.

Gone are the days where I could entertain her by singing along with the Wiggles. Now singing along with the dreamy Jonas Brothers is "embarrassing MOM!” How I long for the days when she thought all boys smelled like poo.

I am preparing myself for the talks that will inevitably come. For the times when life gets hard, and the times when life gets really hard.

In the mean time, I am trying to remember the way things are now. In her eyes, John and I are still her heroes. We may not know everything, but we still know a lot. We are still her confidants. We are still the ones she runs to when she is learning, loving, laughing and even hurting.

My birthday wish for Kameron is one of love. I hope she always feels loved, even when life gets hard and especially when life gets really hard.


Splish Splash


Noah's Stats...2 months and 1 week

It is no secret, Noah is a biggin! At 15lbs & 9oz and 25.5 inches long, our guy is in the 97% respectively. This is in stark contrast to his older siblings. One thing is for certain, our guy is thriving. Much to Grandma Joan's chagrin he will not be put on a weight loss program anytime soon.

Parky's Farm


New Pictures

Multi tasking in the Team Horn house is a must. With babies 2 & 14 months, I have learned I can nurse and simultaneously lift, block or knock down Eli with a foot, leg or arm. Sounds harsh, but it has served its purpose a time or ten. Noah has slept through the night a few times this past week so we are optimistic.
We are looking forward to another homeschool field trip tomorrow. I am sure Kami will blog about be on the lookout.
My husband requested that we update the here are a few favorites from our mini photo shoot before bedtime.

P.S. Please don't tell Noah he is sitting in a pink bouncy seat!


Another Team Horn Home Video


Move over Scotty Bratcher!
This kid is amazing!
8 Year Old Shredder @ Yahoo! Video


And So It Goes

Our chublet is growing leaps and bounds each day. His reflux is waning with the use of Prevacid, but his eczema seems to be an ongoing battle. We are not exactly sure how much Noah weighs, but he is already inching out of 6 month clothing…gulp! He is scheduled for his two month check-up on Monday…keep you posted!

Elijah has been experimenting with taste lately. Everything he sees he attempts to put in his mouth. This has resulted in several, “EW! Don’t eat that!” and one panicked phone call to poison control (1-800-222-1222…POST IT!).

Kami is doing very well in homeschool. She is keeping a blog, which is more of a creative writing journal. If you want to see what she is doing you can get a glimpse into her world.

There are many families in our homeschool group, and most have eons of experience. I have found this to be extremely helpful. I am very “green” when it comes to this homeschool stuff and I am not above asking for help and guidance. We are slowly getting a groove and she seems to be learning and adjusting well.

We have a lot of field trips planned with other families, joined new clubs and have found the best educational resources. I am amazed and at times overwhelmed. I know it is not everyone’s “cup of tea”, but I am blessed to be able to be 100% involved with our children’s education. Trust me we can totally relate to the lines of questioning we get regarding our decision…we are just beginning to answer them for ourselves.

On a sadder note, Jim's father passed away. My sister and her family are traveling to Florida today. Please keep the Calvert Family in your prayers.

John and I are continuing our post-baby workouts. We plan to be buff-er by the holidays. Our diets are as creative as Aldi’s will allow, but all is well so far!


7 Weeks

I still can't believe how big Noah "tank" Horn is! In the pictures, Eli is 12 weeks and Noah is 7 weeks (today!). We can't even button the neck. He even looks big next to Kami. We are anxious to see what he weighs at 2 months (2 weeks from now).


Can You Repeat That

Elijah is learning words and phrases at record pace.

Listen as Eli adds to his vocabulary!


The Good Life

This week was another one for the books.
Don't worry, we didn't trade Noah in (that was for you Grandpa Ott), although it has been discussed when he is having his bi-evening tirade at 2am. We met Mr. Adam today. Although gestationally there is a day difference between Adam and the big guy, he is three weeks younger...we won't even talk about size.
Noah is continuing to "expand", for lack of a better word. During our visit with Baby Adam, Brian did the famous scale trick to find out how much our guy weighed. The scale showed a 15lb difference...I don't believe it! His reflux seems to be getting better. Three cheers for Prevacid. Thanks again to Aunt Christie for the bouncy seats, even the pink one!
Eli is a maniac. We snapped some photos of him. As you can see, he doesn't sit still much so we have to get them on the fly. The bathtub picture will be saved for first dates!

Kameron is doing wonderfully. We have moved beyond summer reading. As part of homeschooling, she has started a blog. I encourage everyone to check it out.

Team Horn has re-joined the Y. John is working the guns, while I am shaking my bonbon in Zumba class. I love my children, but it feels good to get out of the house for a bit. We also had some one on one time with Kameron at the UC game. We saw the season opener as first time season ticket holders. Yea! At least there is one football team in Cincinnati that has a winning record.


Big and Trouble

We have already touched upon how much my Noah has grown. The picture below is of Noah in an outfit that was too big for Eli. We think it fits our chunky monkey just fine!

My other sweet baby boy is capitalizing on mischief while Mommy is busy with Noah. The following took place during a diaper change.
Team Horn Lesson #1287...don't leave crackers on the table.


Little Big Horn

It has been a month since we welcomed Noah Samuel. Although exhausting, it has been wonderful. Kami has been such a great help, and is very doting. Eli is a typical big bother...doesn't like to see his brother cry, but will throw things at him just the same. Out of necessity, I have learned to nurse on the defensive. Noah doesn't sleep well at night, so John and I are still trying to adjust. This is difficult to do since we have been watching the Olympics until 1 almost every night. Hopefully we will get more rest now that Swimming is over and Noah has been given medicine for reflux.

One of the great things about having boys 12 months apart is convenience. Since they were born pretty much the same size, we figured Noah could wear all of Eli's clothes. We are learning that God has a sense of humor. Noah is 11lbs 12oz and 23.5" (95%) and comfortably fits into 3-6 month clothing. This is much larger that Eli, who at 1 month and 1 week weighed 10lbs 5oz and was 22" and in 0-3 month clothing. Looks like we have some shopping to do!


Introducing Noah

Team Horn Party of 5
We are very pleased to announce our newest member of Team Horn:
Noah Samuel
Noah was born July 16, at 10:21 a.m. At 7lbs 11 oz and 20.5 inches long, his arrival was an exciting one to say the least. We are amazed by his luscious blond locks!

Our Birth Story
As you may know, we do not have arduous birthing stories. That being said, we like a good story just as much as the next person. Never the ones to disappoint, we think it is fitting that Noah entered the word with a bang.
My induction was scheduled because I am prone to “rapid” labors. We arrived at Bethesda North at 5 a.m. after a quick stop at UDF for coffee. It took about an hour to get checked in and ready for the big induction.
6 a.m.: 4cm dilated and 80% effaced
*Not in active labor
7 a.m.: 4cm dilated and 80% effaced (I noted to the nurse that my contractions seemed short and were getting farther apart instead of closer together. She assured me this was normal, and cranked up the Pitocin)
*Still not in active labor
8 a.m.: 4cm dilated and 80% effaced (Again, I noted my contractions were not rhythmic and she assured me this was normal, and cranked up the Pitocin.)
*At this point, I try to convince John to take me home and we can try again the next day. He talks me out of it and we take a nap.
9 a.m.: 4cm dilated and 80% effaced (ARE YOU KIDDING)
*We are told the doctor is on her way to break my water *Not in active labor…still!
9:35 a.m.: 4cm dilated 80% effaced (Water broken)
9:40 a.m.: Active labor has started!
10:05 a.m.: John helps me to the restroom. It is here that I tell him, “I think I need to push”. John’s response, “Are you serious?!” (You should have seen his face!)
10:06 a.m.: John runs out of the room and informs the medical staff that I need to push. Everyone comes running in expecting to find me in bed (they are very surprised when they find me in the bathroom!).
10 something a.m.: I tell the doctor I need to push...NOW! She turns to “finish setting up”. The head nurse helps me get into position to push…then she shouts for the doctor to turn around because “the baby is coming!”
10:21 a.m.: Without the set up of the delivery table, Dr. Bare literally catches Noah!

Because delivery was so fast Noah did have a lot of facial bruising from his forehead to his chin. In addition to bruising, he was also jaundice. We are happy to report both have cleared up and our baby boy is healthy and no longer purple or yellow!

We hope you enjoy the pictures of Noah's first week.


The Headlines Read "Angie Delivers!"

But wasn't me. Yes, we were beaten and it's the "Pitt's". Back to the drawing board...all the guesses were wrong. My new prediction has me delivering on July room for disappointment. Of course our Sprout could join the masses, myself included, and share a birthday on the 14th. For those of you who are unaware, there are many of us that have grace this planet on 7/14...I personally know of at least 12.

In the mean time, we are enjoying the last few days with our brood. Kameron has been busy preparing the overnight bag she and Eli will take to Nana's. Her sense of humor has become a great source of entertainment for us. She is definitely getting older, much to my chagrin, and it is only a matter of time before she goes completely "pre-teen" on us!

Eli seems to grow every day, and is entering a very "boy" phase...completely foreign to me. Everything he holds in his hand is now a projectile. If you are really "fortunate" he will not throw it AT you, instead he will use it to beat you repetitiously about the face and head...just ask Kami and Dad! Then there is his new meal time fav! Eli will take a drink of milk, lean over in his high chair and spit it on the floor. He doesn't let it "drool", he actually gets good distance. In addition to the food he throws, the dog is eating very well. We have come to the conclusion that (A) Eli is trying to get all of his rebellion out now, or (B) we are really in for it. I tend to lean toward (B).


Baby Watch 2008

I must admit, the much anticipated birth of Sprout Horn isn't drawing as much attention as the Angelina and Brad twins. Still I feel compelled to keep you posted.
As of today, I am 2cm dilated and 80% effaced. I have to keep reminding myself that it is progress and I am still ONLY 37 weeks otherwise I become discouraged. My induction date that has been bouncing back and forth between July 16 & 17 has been settled and scheduled. I will be induced 7/16 at 5am.
Ever the optimist, I am still hoping delivery will occur before I turn 30 on the 14th.

We are sharing our predictions. Feel free to share yours as well!
Date: 7/11
Gender: Girl
Weight: 7lbs 2oz
Date: 7/10
Gender: Boy
Weight: 7lbs 4oz


Around the Horn

No news is news. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Sprout. So far the baby has been compliant and was not born on Eli's birthday or the 4th, so any day now would be great. Until then, we are making plans to not make plans.

Eli is a complete and total maniac. Between RUNNING around the house, plotting with the dog and climbing on everything, we haven't had a moment’s peace. We had to rearrange the furniture so that he doesn't go OVER the stairs (thank you Greg and Lisa for the is a God send!) since Eli thinks if you climb it, you must walk/dive/jump off it...bonus if you go head first. His new favorite toy is the telephone. We hope you enjoy the video as much as we do! If you ever get a call from Team Horn HQ that sounds like this...we apologize!

We have also included the **Bonus Feature** staring Eli and Guinness titled "The Pillow Fight". At first, we were hoping to use this as an advertisement for Team Horn Daycare, but our attorneys have advised against it :) John filmed this video "free range". No babies or animals were hurt in the making of this video!


Elijah's Year in Review

Looking back on the past year, we are absolutely amazed! Elijah Gabriel has made our days brighter and at times has managed to make a 24 hour day feel like 30! Our little guy has fit perfectly into Team Horn. Perhaps he was the inspiration for version 3.0 which will be arriving any day.

Elijah's Stats:

Ht - 20"
Wt - 7lbs 7oz

Ht - 30 1/4"
Wt - 20lbs 2oz

Adieu Chris Dunnett

Adieu Chris Dunnett

It is with well wishes and fond farewells, we say good luck to a man who has inspired two generations of Horn guitarist. Chris Dunnett is taking the plunge into the Nashville music scene.
As a music instructor Chris worked with John and Kameron for 12 years collectively. He also served as a mentor and a good friend.
Over the past two years Chris’s musical resume includes the ever impressive Wild Horse in Nashville and was twice invited to Mexico to play in their music festival (quite an accomplishment since only 12 people around the world received this honor).
Below is a list of Chris’s final performances. We encourage you to attend one of his shows before he migrates south to a climate more conducive to music. If you have ever been really moved by the music of Straight Edge, Betraying Judas, Potty Mouth, Swing Line Red, or the short lived Boys and Girls Rock; stop by and see the man who started it all.

This Sat. Chris is back at The Blue Agave for the last time from 6-9. Just
before that, Chris will be doing his last show with Gaiananda at The
Street Fest at 4 pm. If you have not seen Chris with Gaiainanda,
this will be
the LAST chance! We hear Chris is doing a solo in the middle of
the show and
will be playing bass on one song. They are playing on the stage
nearest to
Cheviot school.

Here's the run down for the last shows:

* Wed.
July 2nd Chris returns after a long hiatus to Henke Wine on
Harrison in Westwood
from 7-9. Come out for some wine, dine, and music
that's fine :).

Thurs. July 3rd Chris returns to The Dublin Pub
for all you friends and fans in
Dayton. He will be playing on the patio from
6-9 for Happy Hour.

Friday July 4th...come celebrate the 4th of
July with Chris Dunnett, Dinner, and
a Movie all at the same place. Chris
will be at Showcase Cinema Springdale
playing in Chatters Bar & Grill.
The food there is great and the atmosphere
is nice. You can also check out a
movie before or after. It's a great listening
to room to converse with
friends and still get to hear Chris and with all the
good movies out now,
beats the heck out of fireworks :).

* Sat. July
5th, as we mentioned
above, Chris will be at El Caporal from 7-10

* Sun.
July Ed
Sullivan says...We have a reeeeeelyyyy big shooooo" The Final
Countdown..uh...sorry Europe moment...we mean the final show. We REALLY hope
can make this one. It should be a very fun night, a great place to see
and hear
Chris and special guests as well as get great deals on CDs.


You can now download music from Chris
Dunnett's 3 solo CDs
directly. This is much better than I-Tunes, etc as
there is no searching
involved. Just CLICK -

Dunnett's website:

Chris on My Space:

Bloodseal's website:

Bloodseal on My Space:


Gaiananda on My Space:

Chris Dunnett music on Apple I-Tunes:

Character: Checkmate

Chris Dunnett: Higher Glyphics

Chris Dunnett: It's Alive One

All performances are in Cincinnati and times are PM except where

Dates are always posted on the web site as well as
where "El Samuraichi", "Higher Glyphics", & "It's Alive One"
can be
purchased. Our secure server can also take credit card orders thru
Pay Pal as
well. Also available @ 1-800-Buy-My-CD. We hope to see you at a
show soon :).

Musically yours,
The Righteous Staff

Righteous Dude Productions
P.O. Box
Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

Thank you Chris! We will Miss you


Eli's First Birthday

Eli had a great 1st birthday.
Thank you so much to everyone who celebrated with us...especially to the was a very long day!
Looking over the past year (almost), it is amazing to see how much our little guy has grown and developed. Not only is this soon to be big brother walking and talking, but he is completely off the bottle and "bo-bo". Eli also has an amazing personality, and we can't wait to see what the next year brings!

Happy Father's Day


Kameron's Art Gallery

These Kameron Horn masterpeices were proudly displayed at the OLSH Fine Arts Fair on Tuesday!

Another Reason I Love Being Mommy


We have been busy folks here at Team Horn HQ!
As you may have heard, mama has been put on orders to "take it easy". Sprout is down in position and I have been experiencing contractions and lots of pressure on and off for a few weeks. I have been given a magnesium supplement called Slow-Mag to try before we have to use the harsh Brethine. Good news is, I am not dilated. We are trying to ward off any more signs of labor until the last week of June...then I will take it as it comes.
Eli is feeling better now that he has received his antibiotics. Our poor guy had a double ear infection. Now that he appears to be recovering, he has 3 teeth poking through at the top. Yeeowza! His vocabulary is increasing...he now says mama, dada, dog dog, papaw, woof woof, girl and poop. My mom swears he says nana...but that is still tbd! Eli is continuing to walk and explore. I wish he were more careful, but I think that may be asking too much.
Kami has been a busy bee as well. Between golf and guitar lessons and practices, she has been wrapping up projects for school. Her art work is on display at her school's fine arts fair this Tuesday (we will take lots of pictures!). She is looking forward to Summer Break and getting ready for homeschool in August!

Happy Mayo!


Eli has proven again and again that he will set his own pace. This is also true with his teeth. In accordance with "normal" standards, his two front bottom teeth came though first. Then something unexpected happened...he had yet another bottom tooth come through. Now our guy has cut a 4th tooth...this one is on the top, but instead of it being a central incisor, he has a lateral incisor...and is cutting the other top one as we speak. Yes, our guy has a hodge podge of teeth...and we think it is fitting. John thinks it is a sign of his superior intellegence.


Kameron is in love with golf! We think it is the perfect sport for running, no balls flying at her (well not intentionally)... She received her first set of clubs as a present from mom and dad for making her first communion. We are hoping they pay for college someday!

Man Card

I must preface this picture by saying John spent all day Saturday brewing beer! That being said, this member of the Miley's World sure can swing a pink driver!


Celebrating First's with Team Horn

Eli has taken his first steps! One for the books folks...walking at 9 months!

Kami's First Communion