

Tolates - Toddler Pilates

After the boys interrupted my workout, they discovered how great Pilates can be! We call this Tolates (toddler pilates). Enjoy!


Elijah loves baseball. He has the gift for swinging a bat!

Eli's GOAL

We think Elijah is a natural when it comes to the beautiful game. We hope you enjoy the footage, along with Noah's commentary.


Bathrooms, Babies and Businesses....OH MY!

Can you believe summer is just around the corner?

Noah is 10 months old, and our big fella is THRIVING! Tipping the scales at an impressive 24lbs 6oz, our super sized WALKING babe is just as wonderful as ever. It is an absolute delight to watch the boys play. Eli loves his younger brother and it shows. The two are inseparable most times and much to my chagrin, they are double trouble.

Kameron is continuing to do very well in her daily lessons. We are looking forward to a day when we can have a reprieve from the routine, albeit brief, it will be much needed. She begins golf lessons the third week in June and we are very excited for the opportunity!

I am adjusting to life with a toilet in the middle of my bedroom. Although I would have chosen the living room as a good place to remodel, God had a different plan. Apparently the master bath was His first pick…God wins. This our first home improvement project, so we are approaching it with caution. Thankfully, we have our wonderful neighbor Kevin and his magic toolbox to walk us through each step. Slowly, but surely, it is coming together.

John, I am very proud to report, has been promoted to Supervisor at work…and unless you live under a rock…I am sure you have heard by now :) We are very proud of John and all he has accomplished so far.

I have been extremely busy! We are making a big push to promote Berry Fancy and Usborne Books. As it stands, they both have an enormous amount of potential and I am determined as ever to make them work.

Usborne has been an absolute treat. Not only do I provide families with the BEST children’s books, but I am also a literacy advocate. I have headed several reading campaigns at local schools and have 3 summer reading programs that I am running so far. It is a pleasure to watch my children pick up a book. Kameron is a book worm and she loves the internet linked books and many of the older series books for children 10+. Eli has an enormous vocabulary, and I believe it is related to not only the quantity of books he is exposed to, but the quality. We have a lot of things in the works for the following months and I can’t wait to see how it pans out! If you are curious about Usborne and would like to know more about the books and activities we have available, I would love to chat.