
Allergy Update - Noah

We know that good news travels fast ;) so some of you may have already heard about the results of Noah's allergy test. We are slowly coming to terms with the life changing results and we are collecting as much information as possible. While there are many foods he cannot have, we are ready to embrace the ones he can once we get past the mandatory liquid diet to flush his system. The liquid diet will last up to two weeks, in hopes to detox him from the allergens in his system and clear up his skin. We will then slowly introduce foods back into his diet and see if we notice any negative reactions to those he has previously tested negative for. All food he has shown an allergy to will need to be avoided until further notice. His food allergies so far:

Tree Nuts
Egg Whites
Milk & Dairy products
Shell Fish
Mustard and Mustard Seed

Some foods, if ingested, can cause anaphylactic shock. While Noah does have an Epi-Pen, we would like to avoid using it at all costs. Due to the extreme nature of the allergies and potential risks involved, if Noah and/or Eli are visiting we kindly ask no nuts be served. We understand this could pose an inconvenience, but we think it is totally worth it all things considered. If for some reason you are having a peanut party, or don't think this accommodation can be made, PLEASE inform us so we can send our regards from afar.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask or call. We would love to hear from you!

All our best,

John, Angie, Kameron, Elijah & Noah