
Little Big Horn

It has been a month since we welcomed Noah Samuel. Although exhausting, it has been wonderful. Kami has been such a great help, and is very doting. Eli is a typical big bother...doesn't like to see his brother cry, but will throw things at him just the same. Out of necessity, I have learned to nurse on the defensive. Noah doesn't sleep well at night, so John and I are still trying to adjust. This is difficult to do since we have been watching the Olympics until 1 almost every night. Hopefully we will get more rest now that Swimming is over and Noah has been given medicine for reflux.

One of the great things about having boys 12 months apart is convenience. Since they were born pretty much the same size, we figured Noah could wear all of Eli's clothes. We are learning that God has a sense of humor. Noah is 11lbs 12oz and 23.5" (95%) and comfortably fits into 3-6 month clothing. This is much larger that Eli, who at 1 month and 1 week weighed 10lbs 5oz and was 22" and in 0-3 month clothing. Looks like we have some shopping to do!


Robin said...

Congrats - I cant wait to meet both your little men!! Madeline would love to Kami too. I will try to get home soon (you know maybe within 6 months)

Anonymous said...

Noah is saying I'm not just like my big brother, I am my own person & watch me grow. Kami is always a great help here too.
Love, Mom