

John and I are absolutely thrilled to report, Noah has pristine skin!
As I changed his diaper this morning, I looked at Noah with amazement. His skin was white, clean and smooth. I have never seen his skin so beautiful. I cried as I kissed his arms and his pudgy legs. I watched as I diapered him. He wasn’t digging or clawing at his skin. His eyes were bright and you could see joy in his face. Our baby boy, for the first time is comfortable.
The past fourteen months have been gut wrenching. It is hard to explain to those who have never seen Noah, the extent of his Eczema. Most people think it is red irritated skin, maybe on a few patches of the body and with proper medication will clear. This may be true for some, but not Noah. Noah’s Eczema was located all over his body. On good days he would have red, patchy skin. On bad days, he would have bloody shards of where skin used to be. Raw and tattered, what may have looked horrifying to some became the norm for us. According to his doctors, the Eczema on Noah’s body is the worst they have ever seen. We have tried scores of medications, body washes, lotions, ointments, detergents, steroids, antihistamines and diets to help treat him. All have failed, until now. It has been torturous to watch him suffer for the past year. We were reminded on our trips to Children’s for blood tests how fortunate we were; at least we weren’t battling cancer. For the most part, Noah’s temperament has been wonderful. Despite his appearance, he has always been a happy baby; quick to laugh, smile and hug. Today, his outside has caught up to his inside.
Unfortunately, Noah’s treatment is temporary. The medication we are using is not FDA approved for his age group and the potential side effects of long term use are unclear. For now, if only for a day, Noah is able to feel relief.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So happy for him, and you!! I think a little part of it was Aunt Ashley's hugs, kissing, and loving on Saturday. Yes, even its for a day, what a wonderful day it is! Love you