
It's Cookie Time

Our Junior Girl Scout is selling COOKIES!
This is Kameron's rookie season in Scouts and selling cookies. She has set a personal goal of 175 boxes of cookies. We are hoping to help her meet her goal. She may be calling or emailing some of you, so be on the lookout! If you don't have a cookie connection or would like to add a cheeky ten year old to your list of cookie girls, we would be honored. I know we look forward to Girl Scout Cookies every year! Our Team favorites are Thin Mints and Caramel deLites!

All cookies are listed above. Please call or email us at team.horn at yahoo with the subject "Cookies". We will be delivering each box with a smile in mid-February. Money is due at that time, so no worries about paying in advance.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone mid-February, if not sooner!

1 comment:

Aunt Lisa said...

Did they really have to put the calorie counts on the brochure?? I still want thin mints...I'll send an order in email.