
From the Top

January 10, 2008

The Year of the Sprout
As you may have heard, we are expecting…again. Yes, we are extremely happy! Our due date is 7/26, so I am looking at another hot summer. So far this pregnancy has been nothing like the other two. I have been relatively sick, but have a ton of energy (thank goodness!). I have never experienced weight loss during pregnancy, but I can’t say I am upset by it. So far the baby seems to be flourishing. The gender is going to be a surprise for us, but we already have people weighing in. As always, we are just hoping for a healthy bebe! Are we stopping at three? Nah, we are just getting started…this is Team Horn!

Dada’s Boy
Eli is 6 months and developmentally blowing us away! Our little guy is scooting, sitting, talking, giving kisses and eating solids. Like most, he favors fruits, but he does really well with most veggies. One thing is for certain, he hates broccoli. Much to our chagrin, he is teething. John thinks this is a design flaw and doesn’t understand why his guy should have to suffer. We are working on signing, but I think Eli has his own.

The not so Little Girl
Kameron is busy preparing for her first reconciliation. This is now a family event, so John and I (gulp) will be going to confession as well. She is still playing guitar and taking an art enrichment class, but has opted to take a break from tumbling for the next couple months. Kam is also an amazing big sister! She has graciously given up her bedroom to the babies in exchange for a smaller room that will require her to stay neat and organized. (We welcome volunteers to help paint and redecorate both rooms!)

The Mama and the Papa
With tax time on the horizon, we are trying to soak up as many lazy weekends as possible. John is generously volunteering his time to the annual Men’s Club Monte Carlo. Of course it is free beer for the workers, so I think the Men’s Club might take a hit on the beer sales. None the less, leave your calendar open for February 2nd and join us at OLSH.

Team Horn


Carrie said...

You know I like to read blogs..Especially ones about my favorite pepes. Give the out of utero babes a kiss for me and the in utero one a pat.

Grandma&GrandpaHorn said...

By the time the room is ready for painting Eli will be saying Grandpa. Keep up the good work.

Tara said...

Very cute, Angie! I'll be sure to bookmark and check back often :)

Marc said...

Hi Team Horn, I'm glad you all are well and have a blog now..I am not the only one with one of these goofy named things. Check out to check out what my summer endeavors. You keep posting and I'll keep checkin em out...Happy New Year.