

One Trimester Down…Two to Go
Ahhhh! How do you spell relief?! So long first trimester, and hello digestion. Even though I broke down and bought new maternity jeans, I am still wearing my regular clothes and they are relatively comfortable…yea! I got Sprout a sleeper and a dress. John says it is wrong to make boys wear dresses, and the fact that I feel it is a girl is just wishful thinking. We will see. He’s probably right though, I was totally convinced Eli was a girl. Kameron (the trader) is also starting to lean towards a boy.

Bottles Galore
Due to complications, Eli is only nursing in the morning and before bed. I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about it, but the fact that he is adjusting so well makes it easier. He is on soy formula due to the food allergy issues that seems to plague Team Horn. Hopefully he will be able to switch to milk around 1, but if not, we know how to adjust. He is eating a ton of different fruits and veggies, and was given the thumbs up to try meat and some finger foods. Since when did my little guy get so big?

Holy Mathematics Batman!
We were stunned when we received the results of Kameron’s Terra Nova scores. She did well in all the subjects, but placed 98 out of 99% in Math. Sure, she taught herself division…didn’t everyone?! Apparently we should be encouraging this, but I must say, I am a smidge intimidated…I stink at math. I guess it’s a good thing John likes calculus!

Sweet Smell of Tax Season
Busy season is upon us. This is the time of year when we eat late dinners and bedtime bends so that Kameron can hang out with dad “just for a few more minutes…please!” This will be our second tax season pregnant, but our first with a baby, so it is bound to be interesting.
We have been cooking in bulk, so we now have enough dinners to last us eons. John likes it because he comes home to a hot meal every night and I love it because I am not frantically rushing around trying to fix a balanced meal. It’s amazing how 6 hours of cooking can feed the family for a month.

We lost our camera this past Christmas, but we are hoping to post new pictures soon!

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