
The Name Game and Other Fun Stuff

The Winner Is…
Well after little debate, but much thought, our Sprout has a name.
Girl: Meriel (Meri) Eleanor
Boy: Noah Samuel
We absolutely love the names that we have chosen for our child. If you share in our joy, please feel free to express your kind words. We understand that not everyone will share in our taste for names, as we found out with Eli. If you feel the need to name something in rebellion, buy a fish, name it what you like, and we will remain silent.

Deep Thoughts by Elijah
As you may have read, Eli is a talker. In addition to “hi dadadadadada”, he is also saying “ma” or “MOM!” as he put it a few days ago. Since then I have promised him a car. Hopefully, blogs will be a thing of the past when our guy is 16 (oh no!).
Eli is a mover and shaker. He is getting around very well and if motivated enough, he crawls like lightening. He is also developing what appears to be a bit of a temper. He has been known to scream and shake his fists in furry if you try to take away anything he considers to be a toy, even if it is not.

Super Stah
Kameron begins dance rehearsal today for her big number in the OLSH Variety Show. She, along with several classmates and 1 lil sib, are planning to dance to a…you guessed it…Hannah Montana song. The girls are very excited about this. Yvonne, if you are reading this, you are a saint for hosting this practice!
She is continuing to prepare for her first reconciliation. It is really quite an honor going through this process with her. It is amazing what kids view as right and wrong. It reminds you how innocent they really are.

Sew What
Well, I did it. I am now the proud owner of a sewing machine. I am planning on making the bedding for the young-uns. We have been looking at fabrics and are anxious to see if I can actually pull it off. I am starting to panic at the thought of only having 3 months to make the switch. Wish us luck!


Carrie said...

I like'em. Not that you care. he he

Grandma&GrandpaHorn said...

We like the name Noah Samuel. How did you arrive at Meriel? It is pretty but different.

It will not be long untill Eli says Grandpa.

Vicky Walker said...

I like the names. In fact, two of the names we are considering are Samuel & Ella. Thank God you decided on those to be their middle names & not thier first. :)

Angela Horn said...

Thank you. We were trying to decide between Muriel and Meriel. We didn't want anyone calling our precious baby Muri. So, that is how we came up with Meriel. Besides, one of the reasons that we chose Meriel is because of its uniqueness and understated beauty.

Tara said...

I think your choices are great and unique! I have nephews (brothers) named Noah & Samuel, but if it's a girl, it will be my first Meriel ;) Are you guys relieved to have that big decision out of the way? :)