
Around the Horn

No news is news. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Sprout. So far the baby has been compliant and was not born on Eli's birthday or the 4th, so any day now would be great. Until then, we are making plans to not make plans.

Eli is a complete and total maniac. Between RUNNING around the house, plotting with the dog and climbing on everything, we haven't had a moment’s peace. We had to rearrange the furniture so that he doesn't go OVER the stairs (thank you Greg and Lisa for the is a God send!) since Eli thinks if you climb it, you must walk/dive/jump off it...bonus if you go head first. His new favorite toy is the telephone. We hope you enjoy the video as much as we do! If you ever get a call from Team Horn HQ that sounds like this...we apologize!

We have also included the **Bonus Feature** staring Eli and Guinness titled "The Pillow Fight". At first, we were hoping to use this as an advertisement for Team Horn Daycare, but our attorneys have advised against it :) John filmed this video "free range". No babies or animals were hurt in the making of this video!

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