
The Headlines Read "Angie Delivers!"

But wasn't me. Yes, we were beaten and it's the "Pitt's". Back to the drawing board...all the guesses were wrong. My new prediction has me delivering on July room for disappointment. Of course our Sprout could join the masses, myself included, and share a birthday on the 14th. For those of you who are unaware, there are many of us that have grace this planet on 7/14...I personally know of at least 12.

In the mean time, we are enjoying the last few days with our brood. Kameron has been busy preparing the overnight bag she and Eli will take to Nana's. Her sense of humor has become a great source of entertainment for us. She is definitely getting older, much to my chagrin, and it is only a matter of time before she goes completely "pre-teen" on us!

Eli seems to grow every day, and is entering a very "boy" phase...completely foreign to me. Everything he holds in his hand is now a projectile. If you are really "fortunate" he will not throw it AT you, instead he will use it to beat you repetitiously about the face and head...just ask Kami and Dad! Then there is his new meal time fav! Eli will take a drink of milk, lean over in his high chair and spit it on the floor. He doesn't let it "drool", he actually gets good distance. In addition to the food he throws, the dog is eating very well. We have come to the conclusion that (A) Eli is trying to get all of his rebellion out now, or (B) we are really in for it. I tend to lean toward (B).


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Ok, my date has come and gone. Only 48 more hours & you will be holding the new member of team Horn. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY ANGIE! Wow, I can't believe it...the years have flown by. Have a great day today!

Aunt Lisa